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Offline Study Sequence

We strongly recommend students to be part of live ongoing classes as much as possible. Students should use the class recordings to revise the live class completed that week and make notes. 

If any students find that they have more time after this exercise and want to undertake additional study OR unable to attend live classes due to time zone difference, they can use the below recordings. 


Below is the recommended sequence of study with the recording links of Ācārya Raviji. Tattva Bodha & Bhagavad Geeta recording is by Ācārya Medhaji.

Recommended Sequence of Study with Recordings

Prakarana Grantha Texts
Suggested: To be done anytime after completion of Chapter 6 - Geeta

Upanishad Texts & Advanced Bhagavad Geeta
Suggested:To be taken up after completion of Tattva Bodha, Bhagavad Geeta and few Prakarana Granthas

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