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Mission Statement

Timeless wisdom for all

Vedanta Amritam is dedicated to authentic, systematic and long term teaching of Advaita Vedanta, aimed at creating a firm understanding of the essential message of the Vedas and facilitating realization of one’s true nature. 


We aim to make this timeless wisdom accessible to seekers of all ages, locations, backgrounds and life stages. 

An infinite ocean

What is Advaita Vedanta?

Advaita Vedanta is one of the world's most ancient and inclusive philosophies which reaffirms the oneness of existence. Advaita refers to non-dual and Vedanta refers to the highest knowledge of one’s true nature found at the end of the Vedas.


Embarking on the study of Advaita Vedanta is a transformative journey of spiritual growth, inner harmony and self-discovery. 

Who is this study for?

Those who desire liberation.

Seekers of happiness and inner peace.

Those who want to function with greater efficiency.

Seekers of answers to questions like: who am I, who is God, what is this world

Those who want to gain an immunity from life’s shocks.

Those who want to understand and fulfil the purpose of this life.

Our Lineage

Parampara  or Lineage illustration of Vedanta Amritam showing knowledge flowing down from Lord Shiva to Adi Shankaracharya to Swami Dayananda to Swami Paramarthananda

To ensure the authenticity of the teachings, this wisdom flows down through a sampradaya -a lineage of teachers and disciples who then become teachers.


The Vedas where this timeless wisdom is found is not a product of human intellect. It was said to be received in direct transmission to the Saptarishis (Seven great sages) in deep meditation. We follow the lineage of Adi Shakaracharya, who lived around 8th Century CE and known to be the revitaliser of this knowledge through his many commentaries. 


Vedanta Amritam has been founded by Acharya Ravi Easwaran who is a disciple of Swami Paramarthananda (a direct disciple of Swami Dayananda). All acharyas (teachers) who are providing the classes here today belong to the same lineage.


You can view and register for ongoing classes here.

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